The seed bourgeon, seedling growth, crop yield and heavy metals contents were influenced by contaminated soil.
土壤重金属污染影响了种子萌发 、 幼苗生长 、 作物产量及体内重金属含量,探讨了污染土壤的酶学评价方法.
互联网Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall.
辞典例句An operational method of crop yield disaster losses evaluation is introduced.
互联网Fertilization rate can be reduced from 15 % to 20 % at equal crop yield.
互联网What is your current crop yield?
你们这次庄稼收成 怎样 ?
互联网Effects of rice straw mulch and water - retaining agent on soil properties and crop yield.
互联网Crop yield is strongly affected by the canopy temperature after flowering, especially at mid - late grain - filling stage.
作物花后特别是灌浆 中后期 的冠层温度对产量具有较大影响.
互联网In this paper , the authors develop an operational method to predict crop yield in China.
互联网It also demonstrated that proper intercropping years and tree spacing between - rows would effectively increase crop yield.
互联网The relation between crop water use efficiency and crop productivity potential, crop yield were investigated.
研究了作物水分利用效率与作物生产潜力 、 产量的关系.
互联网Our result could potentially be used to increase crop yield and efficiency of land usage.
互联网Implementation of the appropriate yield - protection factors insures that the maximum crop yield is harvested.
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